Interaction of flavin mononucleotide with dimeric and tetrameric forms of muscle phosphorylase b
Chebotareva N.A., Kurganov B.I., Lyubarev A.E., Davydov D.R., Pekel N.D.
Biochimie, 1991, v. 73, p. 1339-1343
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Interaction of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) with dimeric and tetrameric forms of rabbit muscle glycogen phosphorylase b has been studied under the conditions when allosteric activator binding sites are saturated by AMP (1 mM AMP; pH 6.8; 17 degrees C). Simultaneous use of schlieren optical system and photoelectric scanning absorption optical system of analytical ultracentrifuge Spinco, model E, makes it possible to register the oligomeric state of the enzyme and calculate the degree of saturation of individual oligomeric enzyme forms by FMN. The apparent association constant for the equilibrium dimer in equilibrium with tetramer decreased with increasing FMN concentration. The microscopic dissociation constants for the complexes of dimeric and tetrameric forms of glycogen phosphorylase b with FMN have been found to be equal to 10 and 79 m M, respectively.
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